
Here’s What Connected Car Devices Can Do for Your Dealership

Internet of Things (IoT) devices found their first home in inventory management when Carnegie Mellon University modified a Coke vending machine to monitor its own inventory all the way back in 1982. These days, IoT devices are all over the place — there are 31 billion of them in the world right now, and experts

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The Impact of Current Affairs on the Automotive Engineering Industry

In February of 2020, the  China Passenger Car Association noted that car sales declined by 80% compared to February 2019 figures, according to Trading Economics. America’s automotive industry is also reeling, and Ford is reportedly planning to extend its current production suspension beyond the end of March 2020. All over the world, auto industry workers — from

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Tech Innovations That Have Made The 2019 Merc SUV America’s Sweetheart 

It’s not every day that Mercedes-Benz takes home the prize as the favorite SUV, considering that this luxury brand has always flexed its muscles in the sedan range. But that doesn’t stop the 2019 Mercedes-Benz GLC-Class from edging their way to the head of the pack and stealing the limelight. While it sits at higher levels where

Tech Innovations That Have Made The 2019 Merc SUV America’s Sweetheart  Read More »

Demand for Natural Gas Remains Steady, But Will It Survive American Bans?

Natural gas remains to be the center of many debates. This is not surprising given that natural gas has plenty of advantages and few disadvantages. In a recent turn of events, Berkeley City in California, US has banned the use of natural gas in newer buildings. Despite this, it seems that there is a steady demand for natural

Demand for Natural Gas Remains Steady, But Will It Survive American Bans? Read More »